September 2012
Hive Mind
Mosaics of Prose
Seedless Grief
Trapped in Amber
Love Playing with Matches
Never Satisfied
Come Lilac Mournings
Country Skies
Hive Mind
Cross your mind’s ink to your canvas,
slash and slather
your oils across the belly of my words.
Each injection like a hormone,
a visual steroid,
a molecular fragrance of savory stew.
Like bees we pollinate,
rubbing, uncrossing our legs
birthing the seeds of these dreams.
Mosaics of Prose
It’s so alluring,
this quiet time with you
this time without my brain,
with your nuanced skin
and playful hues.
a kaleidoscope clattering
colors, crystalline verbs prattling
grammatical tumblers falling in place
each fragment released
to the open maw of a page.
It’s addictive, entrancing
to see what may fall
consonants with whisper or sting,
adjectives of blade or bloom.
It’s a jones I must soothe
like ravenous bees in my veins.
nightshade spilling open.
their pollen in mosaics of prose.

Something turned this sky,
like cider left too long on the porch,
curd left to spoil
in the clutches of a feral heat,
a wicked yellow, oozing like pus.
An anvil of cloud with a sour tooth.
Its roots fell to the ground,
twirling gnashing,
grinding on its double-wide gums.
great swathes arose
a churning of barn sides
of hand me down cribs
a trash of dreams
and shatter of lives.
Wicked Sky - by Irdvid, ©2012
Seedless Grief
send the waves away,
...can’t have them running over your thighs
send the wind away,
…lest it whisper your words
of forgiveness and love.
leave your paint in the shadows
you don’t want this anymore.
leave the canvas barren
absent of my muse
hollow abandoned
black and infecund.

Trapped in Amber
Trapped in the Amber
High in my perch,
the streets, glistening
obsidian veins 30 stories down.
Traffic like cells,
coursing through the lights,
pulsing, thrumming, tail light corpuscles
heading back to the heart.
Helicopters, like dragonflies,
dipping and darting through the canyons,
alighting to rooftops,
ferrying the powerful, the wounded,
the paparazzi news
winking in the windows,
whirling dollars and lives away.
I am captive here,
caught watching… a witness
trapped in the amber,
its thickness in my throat
glimmering in the glass...
another light in this city
unable to touch you.
Twin Peaks, © Carmen Mountfordt, 2012
Love Playing with Matches
Fingers to fingers
palms aligned across the glass.
eye to eye
pouring love between
the shifting breeze
the rising tide
the ice blue tears
as they said good-bye.
Lips to lips
as when they first said hello.
wonder turned to wondrous
like a French Horn flirting
with a sonorous cello.
like a skins first encounter with mink.
Time to time,
their clocks intertwined.
endurance and assurance,
like a season’s call for blossom
in a late April’s light.
like gentle rain to upturned grateful leaves.

Game of Love © Jess Harel, 2012
Never Satisfied
I have gorged!
I’ve eaten ravenously,
great pieces of you
torn away in my gluttony,
running, dripping from the chin
and from each hair of beard,
each upper lip of my immodest minds.
I’ve ripped and gnawed
shredding each membrane,
each delectable layer
as Hannibal would sip at Clarice,
as that Alien ‘Bitch’ takes Ripley,
as Limbaugh would feast
on the neck of our society.
I have licked the rims of you,
the serifs of your words,
the curves of all you belie
the hot tears in your colors,
the pigment stirring
swirling in your eyes
that wants me as I want you.

On the morrow will you linger
as I found you today
a scream of beauty thrust into being
nature’s carnal pleasure
expressed in texture and hue
hollows - pollen thick,
swollen with fragile color pristine
on the morrow will you question
the slightest thought of the sky?
will you wonder after rain
now that you have bloomed?
will you fret or will you revel in the wind?
On the morrow will you sing once more
or be mindless a miracle deaf with joy?
Come Lilac Mournings
I held you on the balcony
as an extra arm of these stars
something from tomorrow’s dreams
I held you for the crush
the cruelness of their light
come the lilac mournings from now.
pull the trigger darling
switch off your eyes
snap the tears from these unwashed sheets
close the call harden your heart
peel the colors we painted
from the walls of your eyes.

Country Skies
stars stumbled
from their aubergine sheets
spacey twinked out
as if drunk on nebula wine
their sparkle and glam
tarnished smeared
in the brown boozy haze of exhaust.
Not your grandaddy’s night
spent puffing Borkum Riff on the porch
no sprawl of the Milky Way
no cobalt sigh
of an evening falling to fireflies and crickets
just the urban sprawl
of concrete and mall
undeveloped fields
bike paths and ragweed
Look Uncle Scott there’s Orion
and… is that the Southern Cross?
No Luka,
that is Thousand Cypress Rolling Creek Withering Oaks Estates.